Dematamal Viharaya: A Historical Gem of Sri Lanka


dematamal viharaya

Introduction to Dematamal Viharaya

Dematamal Viharaya is a significant Buddhist temple located in the Okkampitiya village near Buttala in the Monaragala District of Sri Lanka. This ancient temple, surrounded by lush greenery and serene landscapes, holds great historical and cultural importance. The viharaya, with its tranquil environment and rich history, attracts pilgrims, historians, and tourists alike, offering a profound glimpse into Sri Lanka’s spiritual and cultural heritage.

Historical Background

Origins and Construction

Dematamal Viharaya dates back to the 3rd century BCE, during the reign of King Dutugemunu. The temple is believed to have been built by regional chieftains who supported the king’s campaign to unify Sri Lanka. Its construction is closely linked with the historical narratives of the Anuradhapura period, a time of significant cultural and religious development in the island nation.

The Legend of Prince Saddhatissa and Prince Dutugemunu

One of the most captivating stories associated with Dematamal Viharaya is the legend of Prince Saddhatissa and Prince Dutugemunu. According to local lore, Prince Saddhatissa, fleeing from his brother Prince Dutugemunu during a conflict, sought refuge in this temple. The chief monk of Dematamal Viharaya is said to have provided sanctuary to Prince Saddhatissa, hiding him from his pursuing brother. This act of compassion and protection highlights the temple’s role as a place of peace and refuge.

Architectural Features

The Stupa

Dematamal Viharaya

The main stupa (dagoba) of Dematamal Viharaya is an impressive structure that exemplifies ancient Sinhalese architectural styles. The stupa, which enshrines relics of the Buddha, serves as a focal point for religious activities and is revered by devotees. Its bell-shaped dome, rising majestically above the temple grounds, symbolizes the Buddhist cosmos and the spiritual journey towards enlightenment.

Image House

dematamal viharaya

The image house (vihara ge) at Dematamal Viharaya houses several statues of the Buddha, each depicting different postures and expressions. These statues are crafted in traditional styles, reflecting the artistic heritage of the period. The interior walls of the image house are adorned with ancient frescoes and paintings, illustrating scenes from the Jataka tales and other Buddhist stories.

Bodhi Tree

Bodhi Tree

A sacred Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), grown from a sapling of the original Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura, stands within the temple complex. The Bodhi tree is a significant symbol in Buddhism, representing the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. Pilgrims and visitors often offer prayers and make offerings at the foot of the tree, seeking blessings and spiritual solace.

Religious and Cultural Significance

Pilgrimage Site

Dematamal Viharaya is a revered pilgrimage site for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. The temple hosts various religious ceremonies and festivals throughout the year, drawing large numbers of devotees. These events provide an opportunity for pilgrims to engage in religious practices, meditate, and participate in communal activities, strengthening their faith and sense of community.

Preservation of Traditions

The temple plays a vital role in preserving and promoting Buddhist traditions and teachings. Monks residing at Dematamal Viharaya conduct regular religious classes, meditation sessions, and dhamma discussions for the local community and visitors. These activities help perpetuate the spiritual heritage of the temple and ensure the continuity of Buddhist practices.

Visiting Dematamal Viharaya

How to Get There

Dematamal Viharaya is located near Buttala, approximately 230 kilometers southeast of Colombo. The temple is accessible by road, with regular bus services and private transport options available. Visitors traveling from Colombo can take the A2 highway towards Wellawaya and then continue on the A4 road to reach Buttala.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Dematamal Viharaya is during the dry season, from May to September, when the weather is favorable for outdoor activities and temple visits. The temple is open to visitors throughout the year, but attending during religious festivals such as Vesak and Poson Poya offers a unique and enriching experience.

Activities and Attractions

Exploring the Temple Grounds

Visitors to Dematamal Viharaya can explore the temple grounds, which are beautifully maintained and rich with historical artifacts. The serene environment, combined with the temple’s architectural splendor, provides a peaceful and reflective atmosphere. Guided tours are available for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the temple’s history and significance.

Meditation and Spiritual Practices

The temple offers facilities for meditation and spiritual practices, allowing visitors to engage in mindfulness and contemplation. The tranquil setting of Dematamal Viharaya, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life, provides an ideal environment for meditation and spiritual rejuvenation.

Photography and Cultural Documentation

Dematamal Viharaya, with its picturesque surroundings and ancient architecture, is a haven for photographers and cultural enthusiasts. The temple’s scenic beauty and historical significance offer numerous opportunities for capturing memorable images and documenting Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage.

Conservation and Preservation Efforts

Temple Restoration

Efforts are ongoing to preserve and restore the ancient structures of Dematamal Viharaya. These initiatives aim to maintain the architectural integrity of the temple while ensuring its accessibility for future generations. Restoration projects are conducted with the guidance of archaeological experts and support from the local community and government.

Environmental Conservation

dematamal viharaya

In addition to preserving its historical structures, Dematamal Viharaya is committed to environmental conservation. The temple grounds are maintained with eco-friendly practices, and efforts are made to protect the surrounding natural habitats. These initiatives not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the temple but also contribute to the overall well-being of the local ecosystem.

Local Community and Cultural Impact

Engagement with the Community

Dematamal Viharaya actively engages with the local community, involving them in various religious and cultural activities. The temple serves as a center for communal gatherings, educational programs, and charitable initiatives, fostering a strong sense of community and shared cultural heritage.

Supporting Local Artisans

The temple supports local artisans by providing a platform for them to showcase and sell their crafts. Visitors can purchase handmade items such as pottery, textiles, and traditional jewelry, which reflect the local culture and craftsmanship. These purchases help sustain the livelihoods of local artisans and promote the preservation of traditional skills.


dematamal viharaya

Dematamal Viharaya stands as a testament to Sri Lanka’s rich cultural and religious heritage. Its ancient structures, serene environment, and historical significance make it a unique and compelling destination for visitors from around the world. Whether you are a pilgrim seeking spiritual solace, a history enthusiast exploring ancient sites, or a traveler looking to experience the beauty of Sri Lanka’s cultural landscape, Dematamal Viharaya offers an unforgettable experience.

Final Thoughts

The ongoing efforts to preserve and promote Dematamal Viharaya are vital to maintaining its status as a cultural and religious landmark. As more people discover the temple, it is crucial to balance tourism with conservation to ensure that future generations can continue to appreciate its historical and spiritual significance. Through responsible tourism and community involvement, Dematamal Viharaya can remain a beacon of Sri Lanka’s enduring cultural and religious legacy.

Additional Resources

For more information about visiting Dematamal Viharaya, including guided tour options and conservation programs, please visit the official website or contact the local tourism office. These resources provide valuable insights and help plan a meaningful visit to this extraordinary temple.

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