Exploring Lahugala: A Hidden Gem in Sri Lanka’s Wildlife and Historical Landscape




Lahugala, a lesser-known yet captivating destination in Sri Lanka, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, wildlife, and historical significance. Located in the Ampara District of Eastern Sri Lanka, Lahugala is home to the Lahugala Kitulana National Park and several ancient Buddhist sites. This tranquil area provides an excellent escape for nature lovers, history enthusiasts, and those seeking a serene retreat away from the bustling tourist hotspots.

Lahugala Kitulana National Park

Wildlife Haven

Lahugala Kitulana National Park, though one of the smallest national parks in Sri Lanka, is a crucial habitat for the island’s wildlife. Covering an area of approximately 1,554 hectares, this park is renowned for its population of elephants. The park’s three reservoirs, Lahugala, Kitulana, and Sengamuwa, are essential water sources that attract herds of elephants, especially during the dry season.

Lahugala Kitulana National Park

Visitors to the park can observe these majestic creatures in their natural habitat, often in large groups, making for an unforgettable wildlife experience. In addition to elephants, the park is home to various other animals, including deer, wild boar, and a plethora of bird species, making it a bird-watcher’s paradise.

Flora and Fauna

The park's ecosystem is diverse, with a mix of dry zone forest and wetlands. The wetlands, fed by the reservoirs, support a variety of aquatic plants and provide a habitat for numerous water birds and amphibians. The dry zone forest, with its unique flora, adds to the park’s biodiversity, offering visitors a chance to explore different ecological zones within a compact area.

Historical Significance

Ancient Buddhist Sites

Lahugala is not just a haven for wildlife enthusiasts; it also holds significant historical value with its ancient Buddhist sites. The most notable among them are the ruins of the Magul Maha Viharaya and Neelagiriseya.

Magul Maha Viharaya

Magul Maha Viharaya, situated near the Lahugala National Park, is a historic Buddhist temple believed to have been built in the 2nd century BC by King Kavan Tissa. The temple is said to have been constructed to commemorate the marriage of King Kavan Tissa to Princess Viharamahadevi. The name "Magul Maha Viharaya" translates to "The Great Wedding Temple," reflecting its historical importance.

The site includes a large stupa, remnants of ancient structures, stone pillars, and intricately carved moonstones. The temple complex is surrounded by lush greenery, adding to its serene and spiritual ambiance. Visitors can explore the ruins and gain insight into Sri Lanka’s rich Buddhist heritage and ancient architectural prowess.



Neelagiriseya, another significant historical site in Lahugala, is an ancient Buddhist monastery dating back to the 3rd century BC. This site is located on a hill, providing panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The main stupa of Neelagiriseya, although now in ruins, was once one of the largest stupas in Sri Lanka.

The site also features rock inscriptions and remnants of monastic buildings, offering a glimpse into the monastic life of ancient Buddhist monks. Neelagiriseya's secluded location adds to its mystical charm, making it a fascinating destination for history buffs and spiritual seekers.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Lahugala is during the dry season, from May to September, when the wildlife is more active around the reservoirs, and the weather is conducive to exploring the historical sites. During this period, visitors have a higher chance of spotting elephants and other wildlife at the national park.

Getting There

Lahugala is accessible by road, with the nearest major town being Pottuvil, located about 16 kilometers away. Pottuvil can be reached via public transport or private vehicles from Colombo, the capital city, or other major towns in Sri Lanka. From Pottuvil, visitors can hire a taxi or tuk-tuk to reach Lahugala.



While there are no accommodations within Lahugala Kitulana National Park, visitors can find a range of options in nearby towns such as Pottuvil and Arugam Bay. These areas offer various lodging choices, from budget guesthouses to luxury resorts, catering to different preferences and budgets. Staying in these towns also provides easy access to other attractions, including the famous surfing destination, Arugam Bay.

Activities and Tips

Visitors to Lahugala can engage in several activities that enhance their experience of this beautiful region:

Wildlife Safaris:    A guided safari in Lahugala Kitulana National Park is the best way to observe the park’s wildlife. Early morning and late afternoon are the ideal times for safaris, as animals are most active during these periods.

Bird Watching:    With its diverse bird population, Lahugala is a fantastic destination for bird watchers. Visitors should bring binoculars and a bird guidebook to make the most of their bird-watching experience.

Exploring Historical Sites:    Taking time to explore Magul Maha Viharaya and Neelagiriseya allows visitors to delve into Sri Lanka’s ancient Buddhist history. Hiring a local guide can provide valuable insights and enhance the overall experience.

Respect Local Customs:     When visiting historical and religious sites, it is important to dress modestly and behave respectfully. Remove shoes and hats before entering temple premises and avoid making loud noises.

Stay Hydrated:    The climate in Lahugala can be hot, especially during the dry season. Visitors should carry plenty of water, wear appropriate clothing, and use sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun.

Environmental and Cultural Conservation

Conservation Efforts


Lahugala Kitulana National Park is a protected area, and efforts are ongoing to conserve its unique wildlife and ecosystems. The Department of Wildlife Conservation in Sri Lanka oversees these efforts, implementing measures to protect the habitats of elephants and other species. Visitors are encouraged to support conservation by following park regulations, avoiding littering, and respecting wildlife.

Community Involvement

The local communities around Lahugala play a crucial role in the conservation and promotion of the area’s natural and historical heritage. Many community members work as guides, park staff, and in hospitality, contributing to the local economy. Engaging with local communities can provide visitors with a richer understanding of the area’s cultural and environmental significance.

Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable tourism practices are essential for preserving Lahugala’s pristine environment and cultural heritage. Visitors can contribute by choosing eco-friendly accommodations, supporting local businesses, and minimizing their environmental footprint. By practicing responsible tourism, visitors help ensure that Lahugala remains a beautiful and vibrant destination for future generations.


Lahugala, with its unique blend of wildlife, natural beauty, and historical significance, is a hidden gem in Sri Lanka that offers a memorable and enriching experience for all visitors. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or someone seeking tranquility, Lahugala has something to offer. From the elephant herds of Lahugala Kitulana National Park to the ancient ruins of Magul Maha Viharaya and Neelagiriseya, this destination provides a fascinating journey into the heart of Sri Lanka’s cultural and natural heritage.

Exploring Lahugala allows visitors to connect with the island’s rich past and vibrant wildlife, providing a deeper appreciation for its enduring legacy. By visiting and supporting conservation efforts, you contribute to the preservation of this unique landscape, ensuring that its wonders can be enjoyed for generations to come. Make Lahugala a part of your Sri Lankan adventure and discover the hidden treasures of this remarkable region.

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